Terms, Conditions & Limitations

By allowing Inspire Web Design to design and host your website and domain name you agree to be bound by its terms, conditions, disclaimers and limitations of liability ("Terms and Conditions") and you acknowledge that you have read and understood and accepted these Terms and Conditions. If you do not accept these Terms and Conditions, you must immediately discontinue using any services of Inspire Web Design. Inspire Web Design reserves the right to amend or update these terms and conditions, disclaimers and limitations of liability at any time without providing notice to you. Your continued use of Inspire Web Design services will represent an agreement by you to be bound by the Terms and Conditions as amended.

1) Payments for Website design, major changes and website Hosting Payment terms
Unless otherwise stated Inspire Web Design payment terms for any invoice sent is SEVEN(7) days from the date of invoice. If FULL payment for any service performed by Inspire Web Design is not paid according to these payment terms then Inspire Web Design reserve the right to cease or suspend any website hosting or any e-mail address or any other Inspire Web Design service. Inspire Web Design cannot be held responsible for any loss of data or income past and future due to a website or e-mail address being suspended due to non-payment.

2) Limited time spent on any one website design:
The maximum and limited amount of time spent on any one website design is 16 hours (2 full days) in total. This includes ALL aspects of the design that is included for one domain name. If this time is exceeded then additional time spent will be classed as extra work and is additional to the original quoted price. This means that all hours in excess of 16 spent on the design and construction of the website will be charged at Inspire Web Design nominal hourly rate. This extra charge will either be added to the final invoice or charged separately either before or after the completion of the website as deemed appropriate by Inspire Web Design.

3) Costs:
An original quote will be sent via e-mail specifying the price for the website project. ANYTHING specifically not mentioned in this quote will be deemed outside the scope of the project and may incur extra charges. Inspire Web Design reserves the right to charge for any requested task made after the original quote has been sent and will either add the extra amount to the final invoice or charged separately as deemed necessary.

4) Time limitations of the design phase
Unless agreed otherwise from the date the customer has paid for the deposit or other payment the website there is a maximum of 45 days for the website to be completed and made live. This is ample time to provide feedback, approve content and organise any configuration details. If the project lasts longer than 45 days due to the customer not providing feedback or not returning emails or by Inspire Web Design requesting information then a remaining invoice will be sent and need to be paid before further work can commence.

5) Official Commencement of Hosting
The official hosting date will be determined when the website project commences.

6) Cancelling website hosting due to non-payment
Inspire Web Design reserves the right to immediately suspend or remove any website or E-mail address from operation when the hosting payment or any other payment has not been received according to the payment terms or if the hosting period has expired. If the Hosting payment has not expired but any other payment has not been paid according to the payment terms or stated on the invoice then Inspire Web Design still reserves the right to remove or suspend any website service or any e-mail address from operation. If the website or email address(es) are suspended due to non-payment and subsequently removed off the server there will be an extra cost to re-instate the suspended website / email address(es). This extra cost will need to be paid before any website / email address(es) are un-suspended. Inspire Web Design cannot be held responsible for any loss of data or income past and future due to a website or e-mail address being suspended due to non-payment.

7) Payment needed before any work commences
On some circumstances where payment has proven difficult to acquire we may enforce a policy where ALL changes must be paid for in FULL and BEFORE any work commences.

8) Free Minor changes
Inspire Web Design offers free minor changes to all websites. Minor changes is classed as any change that takes Inspire Web Design less than 10 minutes to complete. Any change taking greater than 10 minutes or if there are multiple Minor Changes over a short period of time will be deemed a major change and charged a minimum of 1 hour. Inspire Web Design also reserves the right to revoke free minor changes to any website or customer if deemed necessary or if the customer is unfairly taking advantage of this feature or for any outstanding invoice payment or for any other reason.

9) E-Mail Addresses
Inspire Web Design shall setup and manage e-mail addresses as specified by the customer but has the right to suspend or discontinue any e-mail address for any reason thatInspire Web Design seems fit to do so. E-mails are only to be stored temporarily onInspire Web Design Servers and need to downloaded to the customers PC on a regular basis through an E-mail client ie POP3 Only. A preferred maximum capacity of 14 days is allowed to be stored on the server but for exceptional and approved customers a maximum storage capacity of 30 days is allowed for each e-mail address. E-mails stored longer than 30 days can be removed at Inspire Web Design discretion. Inspire Web Design shall not under any circumstances be liable or responsible for any e-mail deemed missing, removed, corrupted, not received or not delivered or for any other issue relating to any e-mail or e-mail address. There is a WEBMAIL feature that can be used for when customers are away from their PC's for a short period of time - eg Holidays, Sick etc but must not be used as the normal method for reading and replying to e-mails.

10) FTP Accounts
Under no circumstances will Inspire Web Design allow or supply FTP details to access any customers website and data directly. The reason for this is that Trojans and other website viruses can corrupt or delete files through FTP credentials accessible via the customers PC. Another reason is thatInspire Web Design servers could also be used as a server for sending spam and other viruses transmitted through FTP details. For these reasons and to protect the servers reliability, stability and data no direct access to any customers domain and data can be given.

11) Timing of changes
ANY change / modification / addition or deletion of any content or request will be completed on a BEST EFFORTS basis. There is no guaranteed timing of any requests and Inspire Web Design cannot be held responsible for changes not being made or changes being made beyond the timeframe of the customer expectations.

12) Service and E-mail availability
Inspire Web Design shall use reasonable endeavours to provide continuing availability of the server and services, but we shall not under any circumstances be liable for service interruptions or down time of the server or any absence of any other service including e-mails and e-mail addresses or issue relating to any service.

13) Limitation of Liability
Inspire Web Design will not accept liability to you in respect of any loss or damage (including indirect special or consequential loss or damage) which may be suffered or incurred by you or which may arise directly or indirectly in respect of any services supplied by Inspire Web Design or in respect of any failure or omission on our part to comply with our obligations as set out in these Terms and Conditions. Any liability of Inspire Web Design or it's owner subcontractors, consultants in connection with goods or services supplied to you will, subject to any non-excludable liability for breach of conditions or warranties implied by legislation and to the maximum extent permitted by law, at the election of Inspire Web Design be limited to in relation to services, the supplying of the services again or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.

14) Accuracy of Content
ALL content placed by Inspire Web Design which includes the initial content and any major or minor change which may occur throughout the lifetime of the website shall NEED to be confirmed and checked by the client. The client shall not hold Inspire Web Design liable for ANY content made during the design of the website and any change made throughout the lifetime of the website. ALL content and changes must be checked and in the absence of any corrections deemed accurate and correct. Inspire Web Design will not be liable or responsible for any incorrect data on any website hosted by Inspire Web Design in respect to any content, email address, contact form or other feature or data not being checked.

15) Self-managed content
If a website is deemed "Self-Managed" then any data, information or content that exists that website is controlled and is the responsibility of the client. Inspire Web Design will not be liable or responsible for any data on any website hosted by Inspire Web Design in respect to the content being controlled by the client.

16) Support and the availability of support for hosted websites and email addresses
Inspire Web Design will provide support on a BEST EFFORTS basis only and will not be held liable for any issue which cannot be solved or solved within a specific timeframe. Inspire Web Design will be available for support during normal business hours (9am to 5pm) Monday to Friday except when on holidays, incapacitated due to illness or for other reasons when only minimal support will be provided. We will endeavour to solve all problems to the best our our ability but due to the nature of being a sole trader guaranteed support within a certain timeframe cannot be given. If this clause does not meet your expectations please contact us BEFORE you enter into any agreement and we'll be happy to discuss it with you.

17) Transferring and Migrating Website Content
In the event of the client choosing to migrate or transfer the website content to another hosting provider some components, plugins & themes cannot be included in the migration. Inspire Web Design has paid for and holds active licenses for these components, plugins & themes. Due to license restrictions these cannot be transferred to other parties. If a migration is still requested then all licensed components, plugins and themes (which is used for the custom designed template) will NOT be included. Also any time spent in packaging up the website will need to be charged back to the client. Inspire Web Design will not be held responsibility or give support to any website or content after the licensed components, plugins and themes have been removed and given to the client.

18) Deciding to cease website hosting
Any hosting fee paid to Inspire Web Design will not be refunded in the event of the customer choosing to cease the website hosting due to relocating the data or content to another server or if the businesses cease to exist.

19) Backing up and restoring of data
All clients websites are backed up on a limited basis. For customers that can control their own content the customer is solely responsible for any data of any type they choose to add. Inspire Web Design cannot be held responsible or liable for any data of any sort that appears missing, corrupted, misaligned, incorrectly added, added without permission or is inaccurate in anyway or for any other issue associated with any data on any website hosted by Inspire Web Design. All restoring of data will be completed on a reasonable endeavours basis and no guarantee will be given what-so-ever as to the availability or accuracy of the restored data. Inspire Web Design will not be liable or responsible for any data on any website hosted by Inspire Web Design in respect to any date being restored or the inability of that data being restored.

Emails, email attachments and email addresses are NOT backed up and Inspire Web Design will not be liable or responsible for any missing, corrupt or any other issue related to emails, email storage files, attachments or email addresses.

20) Disclaimer
The information contained on any website hosted by Inspire Web Design is provided by Inspire Web Design or it's customers in good faith. To the best of Inspire Web Design knowledge, the information is accurate and current. However, Inspire Web Design or Inspire Web Design Associates do not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information. We do not accept responsibility for any loss suffered as a result of reliance by you upon the accuracy or currency of information contained on any website Inspire Web Design hosts.

Inspire Web Design Web Hosting services are provided on an "as is, as available" basis. Inspire Web Design gives no warranty, express or implied, for the Web Hosting services provided. This no warranty clause expressly includes any reimbursement for losses of income due to disruption of services by Inspire Web Design Web Hosting or our providers beyond the fees paid by you to Inspire Web Design Web Hosting for our products and services. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Inspire Web Design disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Inspire Web Design makes no warranty that this website or any website we host, any information or ideas contained on this website or any website we host or any products or services will meet your requirements. You expressly acknowledge and agree that Inspire Web Design does not control other users of this website or any website that is self managed by any of Inspire Web Design customers, the providers of information or ideas to any hosted website or the suppliers of goods and services purchased from any hosted website, and Inspire Web Design is therefore not liable for their opinions or their behaviour, including any information or advice provided by them or any defamatory statements made by any hosted website or any offensive conduct on their part. You further acknowledge and agree that, subject to the section dealing with "Limitation of Liability", Inspire Web Design will not be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for product liability, personal injury or negligence resulting from use of goods or services supplied to you, or on behalf of you, through any Inspire Web Design hosted website.